Pat's Pet Peeves
Here are some things that really bug me.
  1. Incomplete or un-updated sites, especially celebrity sites. If you are really a fan of the person you are honoring, show it by finishing and/or updating the site. This includes:
    1. Sites that are partially completed and left that way for weeks, months, or even years at a time.
    2. Sites that are completed, but then abandoned by the owner.
    3. Sites that claim to have news about a celebrity, but it hasn't been updated in months or years.
  2. People who leave automatic or mouseover links to their sites in guestbooks. If you come across one of these, email their site provider and ask them to revoke the person's site privilege.
  3. People who perpetuate myths about my birthplace, Texas. The latest example I have seen of this is the new X-Files movie, which depicts North Texas as a desert. Get this straight, Hollywood, TEXAS IS NOT ALL DESERT. Only the far west part is. To see a movie that got it almost right, rent and watch "Days of Heaven" (an Oscar winner from the 70's). It wasn't filmed in North Texas, but it's a looks closer to reality than most.